Hey and welcome to our students section here you will find information that is applicable for students

if you require support please use the chat icon on the left or email becky@sucideapuk.co.uk


Enduring suicidal thoughts can be hard which is why why are here to help you. Please also reach out to support with your tutors / teachers / pastoral group.

We have a linked blog that harbours many different topics –


Here you will find many topics that cover suicidology, mental health and life coaching within this too. Blog is updated regularly – also links with a podcast and Art therapy.

Umbrella wellness offer news and resources for all ages.

Also within umbrellas wellness is guided therapy with trained professionals.


Over the next few months we will have safe spaces open that are accessible to school children within certain areas;

Updates will be on our Facebook page

A blog about experiencing suicidal thoughts as a child;