The facts first –
SAPUK is a non-profit suicide prevention CIC founded in 2016 by Danielle Shaw after the devastating loss of Bryan Baron – 4th September 2016. For the full background on what happened this day please refer to the blog ‘Seeing Suicide’ please note this is a trigger warning and may inflict some internal graphical images, if you require support please do reach out.
“SAPUK never intended on becoming what it has, it started as a healing platform for my own trauma, to which due to the correspondence grew to being a support network, it was needed for those people” – ‘Volunteering with SAPUK’
SAPUK became what it has because of the support that we offer and for the years that SAPUK has been afloat, we have guided countless amounts of people who have been and are struggling with suicide idealization via our SAPChat service which is a message line on Facebook and a phone line which operates weekly, at SAPUK we also have a recovery plan people can enroll onto with adequately trained members, this will consist of a weekly phone call as well as access to our message line;
“I became obsessed with preventing suicide, this became my life quite quickly after enduring the loss of suicide because i realized i was good at it, i was just 24 when i had to undergo the trauma, 26 when we opened the SAPChat service, it all just escalated quicker than i developed my admin footing. But after years of growth, confusion, approval, knock downs and realization we now have a stable and secure team running SAPUK, its amazing. We are so lucky, with me just running it and my ADHD traits, it had no chance.
I will be here preventing suicide for as long as i breathe, it went from just me to now over 50 volunteers, and its not because of me, its because what we can offer here – support and strength, hippie love and care x”
Suicide rates are the highest they have ever been, being the number one killer
in men under the age of 45 for the last decade. We wish to help in reducing
that number;
SAPUK members are always training and looking at ways in order to reach
these people before it is too late
SAPUK have a dedicated selfless voluntary team, running everyday 6am – 11pm, all volunteers have basic training with many members excelling these in different manners, we have enough knowledge amongst us to be able to guide sufficiently
Thank you for taking the time to read
The SAPUK team
Supported by The Semicolon Shop