SAPUK is a CIC support network dedicated to preventing suicide across the UK. SAPUK is a registered CIC no. 12438544 .

We are lawful to the Data Protection Act 1998 and the EU General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 (“Data Protection Law”).

We want to reassure you that we are dedicated to protecting your information and because we are responsible for your data, we want to ensure that we are fair and will not use your personal information in an unlawful way.

This policy lightly explains how and why we may need your personal data and how we keep it secure within our hands. Please read this carefully so that you have an understanding on how we us your personal information.

If you have any questions about the way we store your data, our full policy or any other queries please do get in contact ✌️


When do we collect your information?

We may collect your personal information when you apply to be a volunteer with SAPUK or when you seek out support via our SAPChat services.


What information do we collect about you and why?

Personal information we collect depends on how you interact with us, if you wish to become a volunteer we may need to collect your personal data so that we can post materials and or training.

If you are an individual seeking support we may need to collect your personal details to liaise with your doctor and or support worker, we also may need to grasp such information if you are in need of urgent help.

All the information we collect is to help prevent suicide within the UK, we want to support people so that they get the help they need when they are struggling with thoughts or actions of suicide.


As a dedicated CIC we want to be able to ensure you have the correct support needed whether you connect SAPUK, donate to us, take part in one of our projects, volunteer for us, or interact with us in any other way.